A Dobsonian telescope is a powerful, convenient, and affordable tool for observing a wide variety of objects in the cosmos. The problems with it start when you use medium or high magnification. Here, the lack of guidance quickly makes itself felt. Observations turn into a tedious chase for an object that constantly slips out of sight. The Asterion
Ecliptica equatorial platform solves this problem gracefully.
It will allow you to enjoy stable images of compact deep-sky objects, double stars, the Moon and planets as if your telescope had been mounted on a full equatorial mount for some time. It is also important that object tracking is parallel to the celestial equator, so it is equatorial. Therefore, rotation of the field of view does not appear, unlike alt-azimuthal tracking. This can be useful for long observations or sketching an object, and also opens up initial opportunities in astrophotography. The combination of a large Dobsonian, an equatorial platform and a modern sensitive camera allows for outstanding results in planetary astrophotography and beyond.